latest 20 messages by alanjf

+ [2015-08-19T18:14:32Z] alanjf nedbat: ah
+ [2015-08-19T18:00:19Z] alanjf That's what I thought.
+ [2015-08-19T17:44:17Z] alanjf Question. If the 7 character short version of the 40 character commit identifier string is unique, why is the 40 character one needed at all? Or is the short version not guarenteed to be unique for a long peroid of time?
+ [2015-08-19T15:54:17Z] alanjf Question. If the 7 character short version of the 40 character commit identifier string (`git rev-parse --short HEAD` vs `git rev-parse HEAD`) is unique, why is the 40 character one needed at all?
+ [2015-07-15T23:36:25Z] alanjf VxJasonxV: I know they aren't mailing lists, but in the end it is still a collection of messages that one can post to, and it is always nice to have a record of what you posted coming to you the same way other messages do.
+ [2015-07-15T22:05:39Z] alanjf VxJasonxV: Well that sucks. Not sure why they couldn't have an option for that.
+ [2015-07-15T21:15:58Z] alanjf Is there an option for this? I'm not seeing one.
+ [2015-07-15T21:15:25Z] alanjf To contrast with most mailing lists, I do usaully see my own messages and thus the threading seems more complete and I don't have to go to the web interface just to recall what exactly I wrote.
+ [2015-07-15T21:14:33Z] alanjf I noticed I don't get an email when I start an issue or reply to an existing one in a repo where I'm following issues. This makes things look a little odd in Thunderbird, where I have a folder for each repo I'm following with threading turned on which looks nice, it's just missing my own.
+ [2015-07-12T18:11:29Z] alanjf Nevik: Indeed.
+ [2015-07-12T16:13:06Z] alanjf (And following.)
+ [2015-07-12T16:10:25Z] alanjf Was responding to "<courrier_> are you trying to ssh github somehow?" and previous.
+ [2015-07-12T16:10:06Z] alanjf Ug, didn't relaize my screen wasn't scroleld to the end.
+ [2015-07-12T16:09:53Z] alanjf courrier_: I thought I've seen mention in the past many times about some git related ssh channel? I'm not sure of any specifics but I do believe something related to that exists?
+ [2015-07-11T18:19:22Z] alanjf canton7: I suspected it was used for something, but wasn't sure. At the very first I thought it was some sort of curtisy.
+ [2015-07-11T18:07:08Z] alanjf I had a feeling from the get go that such a file (called something like VERSION) might not be reliable.
+ [2015-07-11T18:06:25Z] alanjf ah
+ [2015-07-11T18:01:09Z] alanjf (It also didn't help that the author included a file called VERSION containing a commit that appears to be out of date.)
+ [2015-07-11T17:59:02Z] alanjf Thank you.
+ [2015-07-11T17:57:48Z] alanjf ah