latest 12 messages by alessandro__

+ [2015-11-11T17:35:15Z] alessandro__ no human intervention and you get a nice log of what's been sent to the remote server
+ [2015-11-11T17:34:29Z] alessandro__ the bare repo sits on a remote server and whenever it receives a push, it checkouts the latest commit on a separate directory
+ [2015-11-11T17:32:39Z] alessandro__ and you never know what you deployed
+ [2015-11-11T17:32:09Z] alessandro__ ncftpput must transfer all files, though
+ [2015-11-11T17:30:41Z] alessandro__ it's the simplest "deploy" tool one can use...
+ [2015-11-11T17:30:13Z] alessandro__ the bare repo is used *only* for deployment
+ [2015-11-11T17:29:52Z] alessandro__ sure they don't: in post-receive I do "GIT_WORK_TREE=<blah> git checkout -f master"
+ [2015-11-11T17:28:14Z] alessandro__ the bare repos get commits from the repos on the dev machine
+ [2015-11-11T17:26:11Z] alessandro__ I had this fuzzy idea of having 2 bare repos, one for the base app, one for the modules and have both their post-receive hooks to checkout in the same directory
+ [2015-11-11T17:24:50Z] alessandro__ but, in this case, I have a repo containing the base webapp and another repo containing modules and other things
+ [2015-11-11T17:23:47Z] alessandro__ I want to use git to deploy a website and usually I just create a bare repo that has a post-receive hook to checkout in a dir that is then served through apache
+ [2015-11-11T16:54:28Z] alessandro__ Hello, everybody... I have a (possibly stupid) question: can I checkout two different bare repos on the same directory?