latest 19 messages by alexclark

+ [2017-01-20T15:08:04Z] alexclark like is tag1 was from a branch that had some cherry-picking, but tag2 did not
+ [2017-01-20T15:07:41Z] alexclark but is there anyway to get a list of DIFFERENT commits between the tags
+ [2017-01-20T15:06:50Z] alexclark so i know that I can get a list of commits BETWEEN two tags by doing `git log tag1..tag2`
+ [2016-10-10T19:13:04Z] alexclark yeah... i dont suppose theres anyway to map a tagged release to an actual commit hash without manually looking it up, huh?
+ [2016-10-10T19:10:54Z] alexclark oh, i think its just tagged releases
+ [2016-10-10T19:09:18Z] alexclark its a constant thing
+ [2016-10-10T19:07:01Z] alexclark does anyone know whats up with commit hashes being different on github than on your local machine?
+ [2016-04-29T02:55:07Z] alexclark if I pushed a branch into a separate repo, is there a way to link this back to the original repo as a fork?
+ [2016-04-29T02:55:04Z] alexclark not sure if this posted
+ [2016-04-29T02:52:03Z] alexclark if I pushed a branch into a separate repo, is there a way to link this back to the original repo as a fork?
+ [2015-07-07T21:04:13Z] alexclark nevermind, got it
+ [2015-07-07T20:56:15Z] alexclark I have made about 6 commits on my branch, theres a whitespace change on a file in the third commit. is there a way to uncheck-in that change?
+ [2015-02-09T18:51:34Z] alexclark tobiasvl: so if I have a fork of an open source porject, would it be frowned upon to have that commit if im going to make a pr?
+ [2015-02-09T16:12:27Z] alexclark how would I got about removing this commit and preventing them in the future?
+ [2015-01-11T21:11:11Z] alexclark I just clone from the authors fork
+ [2015-01-11T21:10:50Z] alexclark wait, thats probably a really dumb question
+ [2015-01-11T21:09:38Z] alexclark if theres a mutlistep PR that I want to see if I can contribute to, how can I pull down the code from that PR at its current state?