latest 8 messages by alfy

+ [2016-08-04T06:21:24Z] alfy Thanks
+ [2016-08-04T06:21:06Z] alfy Yeah I did
+ [2016-08-04T00:43:11Z] alfy and the accesskey property is inserted in the dom, again not sure if expected, just saying FYI
+ [2016-08-04T00:42:06Z] alfy like, the comments below, the merge button and so on
+ [2016-08-04T00:41:54Z] alfy and it breaks the page, at least in chrome
+ [2016-08-04T00:41:45Z] alfy <img src="http://imagethatexists.jpg" height="999999999999999999999999999999999" />
+ [2016-08-04T00:38:04Z] alfy I found a way to troll on github comments, and I am not sure if that's expected.
+ [2016-08-04T00:37:34Z] alfy hey, someone around?