latest 4 messages by alkamid

+ [2016-03-10T21:15:38Z] alkamid tobiasvl, exactly
+ [2016-03-10T21:14:02Z] alkamid tobiasvl, I think when I tried to fork A into B and then wanted to change B to private, github didn't allow me to do this, and somehow I ended up on bare cloning help page
+ [2016-03-10T21:12:07Z] alkamid tobiasvl, thanks
+ [2016-03-10T20:38:46Z] alkamid Hi. I want to fork repo A (public, not owned by me) repo B (private, owned by me). I will build around repo A, and occasionally I will want to sync my private repo B with repo A (but retaining my changes and resolving merge conflicts if there are any). What's the best way to go? clone --bare?