latest 6 messages by allcentury

+ [2015-08-26T14:14:03Z] allcentury I don't see that option here but figured I'd ask
+ [2015-08-26T14:13:02Z] allcentury is there a filter I can use on closed PR's where the branch wasn't deleted?
+ [2014-12-11T15:28:43Z] allcentury right - I've run jekyll new blog and peaked at the differences between mine and this. I think i'll just walk through a few of the file changes and piecemeal this
+ [2014-12-11T15:23:09Z] allcentury For instance, I added a post _posts and now it's complaining about nothing in _layouts (a folder I didnt' previous have). Should I continue through this process or is there a way to rebuild the directory structure without losing my existing content
+ [2014-12-11T15:22:24Z] allcentury hi all - I have a site that uses an older version of jekyll. I want to upgrade but am I forced to rebuild the folder/directory structure manually?