latest 20 messages by altendky

+ [2020-04-05T14:39:18Z] altendky it seems that just having an expression resulting in an empty string is sufficient to have the container: line ignored
+ [2020-04-05T12:22:46Z] altendky escherial: i think if they merge the second pr that github realizes the first has been merged to and closes it. but sure, a test wouldn't hurt.
+ [2020-04-05T12:22:12Z] altendky i have a matrixed github actions job. i want some matrix entries (linux) to use a docker image. how can i conditionally specify a docker image for the whole job based on the matrix?
+ [2020-03-29T14:32:57Z] altendky teut: the link next to master below the title on your commit leads to the pr it was introduced by
+ [2020-03-29T14:32:44Z] altendky teut: err,
+ [2020-03-29T14:32:16Z] altendky teut: 'merged a pr' or 'had code you wrote committed'?
+ [2020-03-29T14:31:14Z] altendky teut: but it isn't part of the PR you linked.
+ [2020-03-29T14:30:53Z] altendky teut: click the ... to see the rest
+ [2020-03-29T14:30:45Z] altendky teut: right below the title it lists out what it is in
+ [2020-03-29T14:29:57Z] altendky teut:
+ [2020-03-29T14:28:12Z] altendky teut: but you ought to be able to find the code, yes?
+ [2020-03-29T14:28:01Z] altendky teut: anything is possible but generally no
+ [2020-03-29T14:27:35Z] altendky tgy: all i've got is guesses... haven't done that myself
+ [2020-03-29T14:26:52Z] altendky maybe there's some delay depending which server you hit or something...
+ [2020-03-29T14:26:42Z] altendky tgy: did you just set it up?
+ [2020-03-29T14:26:10Z] altendky tgy: i get Hello world
+ [2020-03-29T14:25:28Z] altendky teut: you can search the repo
+ [2020-03-29T14:24:05Z] altendky
+ [2020-03-29T14:23:55Z] altendky
+ [2020-03-29T14:23:38Z] altendky teut: also... four minutes does not make a channel dead