latest 20 messages by ancestral

+ [2014-09-12T03:18:21Z] ancestral git status says I’m in gh-pages
+ [2014-09-12T03:15:46Z] ancestral fatal: Not a valid object name: 'gh-pages'.
+ [2014-09-12T03:14:14Z] ancestral I created a new branch in the GitHub client, and now it says I’m in the branch HEAD
+ [2014-09-12T03:13:54Z] ancestral Am I not allowed to create a branch if Master is empty or something?
+ [2014-09-12T03:08:29Z] ancestral atrigent: Do I need to keep the Gemfile after I’ve `bundle install`ed ?
+ [2014-09-12T03:00:31Z] ancestral What should be in the file?
+ [2014-09-12T03:00:13Z] ancestral “create a file”
+ [2014-09-12T02:59:43Z] ancestral Very tempted to `touch Gemfile`
+ [2014-09-12T02:59:35Z] ancestral What kind of file?
+ [2014-09-12T02:59:32Z] ancestral “You'll want to create a file in your site's repository called Gemfile”
+ [2014-09-12T02:58:38Z] ancestral Also, should add `sudo` before `gem install bundler`
+ [2014-09-12T02:56:27Z] ancestral That was not visaully apparent
+ [2014-09-12T02:54:47Z] ancestral Hey community!
+ [2014-09-12T02:53:17Z] ancestral -bash: No such file or directory