latest 20 messages by andersonvom

+ [2016-04-17T19:41:02Z] andersonvom I'm also using jekyll 3.0.3
+ [2016-04-17T19:40:32Z] andersonvom I've gone through the docs multiple times and I can't see what I might be doing wrong
+ [2016-04-17T19:38:41Z] andersonvom Here's what I currently have:
+ [2016-04-17T19:38:34Z] andersonvom Hey folks, I can't seem to figure out this frontmatter defaults issue: if I write this info in the frontmatter, everything works. If I try to add them using the "defaults:" in the config, it doens't.
+ [2016-04-17T17:16:36Z] andersonvom I also tried the quotes, but that didn't work either
+ [2016-04-17T17:15:58Z] andersonvom jaybe: the front matter defaults is precisely the "defaults" section
+ [2016-04-17T17:14:07Z] andersonvom jaybe: yeah, I restart jekyll every time config changes. let me try the link you posted
+ [2016-04-17T15:53:15Z] andersonvom any pointers on what I might be missing here?
+ [2016-04-17T15:51:33Z] andersonvom hey folks, I'm trying to use "defaults:" in my _config.yml to set a default category and language to my posts, but for some reason they don't get picked up unless I explicitly add them to the posts front matter. Here's what I have:
+ [2015-12-06T22:13:45Z] andersonvom when I try printing them, they're blank
+ [2015-12-06T22:13:24Z] andersonvom interesting. now I can't seem to be able to access those variables anymore from the page
+ [2015-12-06T22:12:05Z] andersonvom osfameron: thanks! =]
+ [2015-12-06T22:04:27Z] andersonvom ah ha! that was the problem
+ [2015-12-06T21:57:50Z] andersonvom I'm running jekyll 2.4.0, if it matters
+ [2015-12-06T21:56:20Z] andersonvom osfameron: no, it builds without a single warning
+ [2015-12-06T21:55:00Z] andersonvom the docs say you can set the laytout this way:
+ [2015-12-06T21:53:44Z] andersonvom no luck! I still get a blank layout
+ [2015-12-06T21:53:06Z] andersonvom let me try adding type to see what happens