latest 3 messages by andsub

+ [2017-05-12T20:25:57Z] andsub allejo: Thanks for your help. Indeed the spec does require a space. Not sure why it's suddenly being enforced, but oh well. Guess i have an afternoon of grepping ahead of me.
+ [2017-05-12T19:44:46Z] andsub allejo: Thanks for the assistance. I put a space between the "#" and it started working. The weird thing is that this is an existing site that was working until recently. Going through every post to add a space would be quite time consuming. I did recently install the jekyll-redirect-from gem for a different project. Could that have caused it?
+ [2017-05-12T18:45:00Z] andsub Hi all, my jekyll site stop making "#"'s into header tags. The other markdown seems to be working. Any idea where to start looking?