latest 11 messages by anikras

+ [2015-11-03T12:30:46Z] anikras I cant
+ [2015-11-03T12:30:43Z] anikras but when I am in master and I do git push origin lesson2
+ [2015-11-03T12:29:43Z] anikras hi, I change a project in master and I would like update branch "lesson 2"
+ [2014-10-17T07:01:02Z] anikras Everything up-to-date
+ [2014-10-17T07:01:01Z] anikras Could not request tunnel forwarding.
+ [2014-10-17T07:01:01Z] anikras unnel device open failed.
+ [2014-10-17T07:01:00Z] anikras but i have this error:
+ [2014-10-17T07:00:15Z] anikras i did copy rsa and in the virtualbox
+ [2014-10-17T06:59:10Z] anikras i created a couple users in github
+ [2014-10-17T06:58:54Z] anikras i would like change user (user1)
+ [2014-10-17T06:58:41Z] anikras hi, i am with virtualbox and user2 in github