latest 7 messages by anli_

+ [2017-04-27T13:27:17Z] anli_ With the page file amongst others listed in .gitignore
+ [2017-04-27T13:26:55Z] anli_ Hm, maybe one should create a git repo in C:\
+ [2017-02-28T15:21:26Z] anli_ Ah, must be a size limitation
+ [2017-02-28T15:19:01Z] anli_ Hm, seems like github does not serve my pngs any longer
+ [2017-02-28T15:15:25Z] anli_ I added some images with rawusercontent links to my, I had to use a token, now they are all broken, is there some major change in those urls?
+ [2017-02-11T14:05:46Z] anli_ When I want to use an image from, I need to add a token to the query string, why?
+ [2016-11-19T09:10:02Z] anli_ I want a listing of my gists, without seeing all the contents, is that possible to achieve?