latest 20 messages by annoymouse

+ [2016-06-30T16:40:42Z] annoymouse I also got this about 5 minutes ago.
+ [2016-06-30T16:39:55Z] annoymouse It's acting extremely sluggish for me
+ [2016-06-30T16:39:40Z] annoymouse Anyone having problems with the site right now?
+ [2015-10-11T02:30:58Z] annoymouse So I have a default layout and inside of it I have an {% includes head.html %}. I want head.html to load up a .css file relative to the current page. How can I do this?
+ [2015-10-09T20:05:27Z] annoymouse You really cleared all of that up for me
+ [2015-10-09T20:05:21Z] annoymouse Seveas: Thank you so much
+ [2015-10-09T20:04:23Z] annoymouse Does it matter which one?
+ [2015-10-09T20:04:05Z] annoymouse So I just need to both
+ [2015-10-09T20:03:29Z] annoymouse So how can I get both?
+ [2015-10-09T20:02:42Z] annoymouse Seveas: So if I set it up with a subdomain what are the disadvantages?
+ [2015-10-09T20:01:03Z] annoymouse So if I went that route, what would lead to?
+ [2015-10-09T20:00:44Z] annoymouse GH seems to be pushing subdomains for various reasons
+ [2015-10-09T20:00:24Z] annoymouse Seveas: They have aliases
+ [2015-10-09T19:59:46Z] annoymouse And what's the difference?
+ [2015-10-09T19:59:38Z] annoymouse Why can't I do both?
+ [2015-10-09T19:58:34Z] annoymouse Seveas: My main confusion is the difference between subdomain and apex domain