latest 7 messages by antaoiseach

+ [2020-06-25T07:45:36Z] antaoiseach Hello, anyone know: 1. when github is changing `master` to `main`, and 2. if this is a mandatory change or not?
+ [2020-06-03T05:27:39Z] antaoiseach Anybody have an idea what's going on/what went wrong?
+ [2020-06-03T05:27:27Z] antaoiseach I saw this help page - but I cannot see "Allow edits from maintainers" listed anywhere on the PR page
+ [2020-06-03T05:27:00Z] antaoiseach So far so good, but now the maintainer/owner says that he cannot push his review commits to my PR ...
+ [2020-06-03T05:26:39Z] antaoiseach So the situation is so: There is project "foo", I have created my fork of it, "my-foo", and in this fork, made some changes in a branch. Now I created a PR with this branch to merge to master of project foo...
+ [2020-06-03T05:25:46Z] antaoiseach hello, I have a small question about allowing chanegs to PRs created from a fork of a repo