latest 8 messages by antdillon

+ [2016-04-12T14:54:17Z] antdillon oh purge and reinstall did the trick
+ [2016-04-12T14:52:14Z] antdillon anyone know a fix for $ jekyll --version: /var/lib/gems/2.1.0/gems/jekyll-3.1.2/bin/jekyll:9:in `<top (required)>': undefined method `require_from_bundler' for Jekyll::PluginManager:Class (NoMethodError)
+ [2016-04-12T14:42:03Z] antdillon awood, good reason to updated, noone likes hitting f5
+ [2016-04-12T14:40:45Z] antdillon awood, using jekyll 2.2.0 do i need to upgrade to 3?
+ [2016-04-12T13:53:41Z] antdillon jaybe, thanks, it seems from the docs that serve would do that by default and --no-watch disabled it
+ [2016-04-12T11:21:35Z] antdillon if it helps anyone I ended up runnng server then build --watch in another terminal
+ [2016-04-12T10:54:56Z] antdillon does jekyll server have a watcher for updates to scss and recompiles?
+ [2016-04-12T10:31:49Z] antdillon hi, when running jekyll server im getting the main.scss file copied to the _site, how do I get it to compile the scss into a main.css?