latest 20 messages by antimatroid

+ [2019-07-31T06:36:34Z] antimatroid (check out
+ [2019-07-31T06:36:22Z] antimatroid even made a site manager that works well with github pages
+ [2019-07-31T06:36:07Z] antimatroid would be fun to work for GitHub, I use it all the time anyway
+ [2019-07-31T06:35:41Z] antimatroid I put an application in for a technical course developer role, though it's for remote US and I'm remote Aus so probably not much chance of them being interested..
+ [2019-07-31T06:32:52Z] antimatroid Do you work for GitHub anyway?
+ [2019-07-31T06:32:36Z] antimatroid I was like wait what?
+ [2019-07-31T06:32:31Z] antimatroid that makes more sense d:
+ [2019-07-31T03:11:36Z] antimatroid I don't actually need any help right now, but I'm curious whether this is an official channel or more of a community support channel like #gitlab?
+ [2019-05-27T18:48:48Z] antimatroid you can now use `nsm clone clone-url` and `nsm bcp "commit message"`, along with forking, renaming and cloning a repository to start making a site..
+ [2019-05-27T18:46:37Z] antimatroid I just made my site manager even nicer/easier to use on bitbucket/github/gitlab/netlify if anyone would be willing to have a play and give me any feedback? (
+ [2019-05-26T20:00:37Z] antimatroid my 2 cents on the topic anyway :)
+ [2019-05-26T20:00:21Z] antimatroid it's bothersome in a few places to deal with gh-pages cases
+ [2019-05-26T20:00:10Z] antimatroid especially helpful for my site manager
+ [2019-05-26T19:59:51Z] antimatroid I would personally keep allowing gh-pages for backwards compatibility purposes, but it's quite tiring remembering both, would be nice to be able to just use master as the branch name for any static site
+ [2019-05-26T19:59:00Z] antimatroid any chance of allowing master as the branch name instead of gh-pages for project pages (not personal/organisation pages)?
+ [2019-05-09T15:47:30Z] antimatroid there's a link to my personal site at the bottom of the page, which has my email address on the main index page if you do play and want to email me any comments/etc..
+ [2019-05-09T15:43:38Z] antimatroid I wonder if anyone on here does any web development work? I made a site manager that is git-like and latex-like ( and am curious what other people think if they have time to play around and try to break it etc.?
+ [2015-04-26T15:58:00Z] antimatroid git-spindle looks kinda cool too
+ [2015-04-26T15:54:54Z] antimatroid ie. locally, the site dir inside my stage branch is the gh-pages branch. So I can manage the gh-pages branch from inside the site dir and the stage branch from anywhere in the stage branch that isn't in the site dir.