latest 20 messages by aollier

+ [2017-02-23T20:29:09Z] aollier mendi: Fine !
+ [2017-02-23T20:27:51Z] aollier mendi: Sorry I don't know.
+ [2017-02-23T20:07:45Z] aollier Then you'll get what you want.
+ [2017-02-23T20:07:36Z] aollier git status
+ [2017-02-23T20:07:33Z] aollier cd my_repository
+ [2017-02-23T20:07:27Z] aollier git init my_repository
+ [2017-02-23T20:07:15Z] aollier You do :
+ [2017-02-23T20:07:05Z] aollier You only can have this on a new repository.
+ [2017-02-23T20:05:22Z] aollier What do you want to do at the end ?
+ [2017-02-23T20:03:34Z] aollier No, deleting the files won't change anything about which commit you are on.
+ [2017-02-23T20:02:59Z] aollier In fact, on an empty repository, you will be on 'master' but 'master' doesn't exist yet.
+ [2017-02-23T20:01:58Z] aollier It is only with a new repository that you are attached to nothing.
+ [2017-02-23T20:01:38Z] aollier You can't be attached on nothing when you have already some commits.
+ [2017-02-23T20:00:25Z] aollier Now you are not considered being on a branch.
+ [2017-02-23T19:59:43Z] aollier Then you are not on the branch but on <commit>.
+ [2017-02-23T19:59:05Z] aollier git checkout --detach <commit>
+ [2017-02-23T19:53:56Z] aollier I finally don't understand your situation : are you or are not you on a branch ?
+ [2017-02-23T19:51:02Z] aollier In your computer or your Github account ?