latest 16 messages by apaze

+ [2015-11-20T15:07:18Z] apaze The package ca-certificates wasn't installed. Thanks Seveas :)
+ [2015-11-20T14:57:45Z] apaze I don't understand as my previous build went well at the cloning step :/
+ [2015-11-20T14:57:31Z] apaze Hi, did someone go through this error: "fatal: unable to access '': Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)" inside a docker?
+ [2015-06-10T06:01:38Z] apaze jaybe: rgrep -in pgroup ./site => nothing is returned
+ [2015-06-09T13:35:49Z] apaze Wheezy
+ [2015-06-09T13:35:46Z] apaze Debian 3.2.68-1+deb7u1 x86_64 GNU/Linux
+ [2015-06-09T13:24:46Z] apaze I can't find any details about the option "pgroup"
+ [2015-06-09T13:24:07Z] apaze :( Any idea?
+ [2015-06-09T13:24:03Z] apaze jekyll 2.5.3 | Error: :pgroup option is invalid
+ [2015-06-09T13:24:01Z] apaze Liquid Exception: :pgroup option is invalid in 2015-06-08-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown
+ [2015-06-09T13:24:01Z] apaze Generating...
+ [2015-06-09T13:24:01Z] apaze Destination: /var/www/ssl/hh/_site
+ [2015-06-09T13:24:01Z] apaze Source: /var/www/ssl/hh
+ [2015-06-09T13:24:00Z] apaze Configuration file: /var/www/ssl/hh/_config.yml
+ [2015-06-09T13:23:53Z] apaze I got an error and can't find out how to solve it. When I try to `jekyll serve` just after the `jekyll new my-awesome-site && cd my-awesome-site` I got the message:
+ [2015-06-09T13:23:00Z] apaze Hi y'all !