latest 20 messages by arnaudga

+ [2016-09-21T21:01:51Z] arnaudga I have not the same version of jekyll
+ [2016-09-21T21:00:10Z] arnaudga this is strange, and I don't know how to investigate
+ [2016-09-21T20:55:16Z] arnaudga I have exactly the same
+ [2016-09-21T20:53:09Z] arnaudga all my site are static pages, except this loop
+ [2016-09-21T20:51:25Z] arnaudga "jekyll build" build the site, but the .html code does not contain the result of my loop
+ [2016-09-21T20:49:23Z] arnaudga I don't know axactly, but I did as in the documentation, a simple loop, and nothing is generated when I "jekyll build"
+ [2016-09-21T20:48:07Z] arnaudga jaybe, yes
+ [2016-09-21T20:30:57Z] arnaudga I'm trouble since 24h with a loop exactly the same as in the doc
+ [2016-09-21T20:26:53Z] arnaudga yes, I'm talking about a simple csv file in the "_data " directory
+ [2016-09-21T20:21:34Z] arnaudga hello, is jekyll 2.2 able to use what is in _data/files ?
+ [2016-09-20T22:06:18Z] arnaudga oops no, I have {}
+ [2016-09-20T22:05:34Z] arnaudga nothing :-/
+ [2016-09-20T22:01:30Z] arnaudga this is a basic example
+ [2016-09-20T22:01:23Z] arnaudga I don't understand why
+ [2016-09-20T22:01:09Z] arnaudga it seems jekyll build never generate the loop
+ [2016-09-20T22:00:47Z] arnaudga yes that's what I do
+ [2016-09-20T21:52:19Z] arnaudga do I have something to do in the config.yml to access _data dir ?
+ [2016-09-20T21:51:32Z] arnaudga nothing :-/