latest 7 messages by arrais

+ [2016-11-04T17:22:57Z] arrais bummer
+ [2016-11-04T17:22:30Z] arrais it's totally intermittent for me, awood
+ [2016-11-04T14:33:15Z] arrais is this common?
+ [2016-11-04T14:33:12Z] arrais ref.:
+ [2016-11-04T14:32:58Z] arrais I'm getting this failure in my PR: `TestSite#test_: configuring sites should have an array for plugins by default.`
+ [2016-11-01T14:37:14Z] arrais i'm testing with `bundle exec rake`
+ [2016-11-01T14:37:02Z] arrais I need some help with my PR (#5513). it "runs on my machine", but appveyor says there are test failures.