latest 5 messages by arrdem

+ [2014-07-11T23:08:47Z] arrdem if I have another _posts directory somewhere, say /foo/_posts/, can I use page.posts in /foo/ to refer to the posts?
+ [2014-07-10T16:25:40Z] arrdem is there a good tool for profiling the build time of a jekyll site?
+ [2014-07-03T15:48:28Z] arrdem Hey guys, I'm running into issues with the way that Jekyll handles files name "index". Are there settings I can tweak to change the default behavior? This is the issue I'm trying to resolve.
+ [2014-07-01T01:19:49Z] arrdem the idea here is that I'm writing API docs with examples and docstrings, so I'd like to be able to have separate static files for the docs of a given API component and the examples of a given API component and have the pretty formatting for all of that separated from the "raw" content so that it's possible for me to serve "raw" examples say for a REPL client without duplicating the text manually.
+ [2014-07-01T01:17:58Z] arrdem if I have a directory, say _posts_and_raws, and I want to apply both the _posts processor and some custom _raw formatter to every file in that directory, is there a way to do this easily or will I need to hack a jekyll plugin?