latest 20 messages by aruns

+ [2019-04-01T22:12:19Z] aruns Thanks.
+ [2019-04-01T21:38:54Z] aruns Are there any built-in JS compilers for Jekyll?
+ [2019-04-01T21:38:49Z] aruns Hey guys.
+ [2019-03-31T23:56:32Z] aruns Thanks.
+ [2019-03-31T23:38:39Z] aruns e.g. {%- assign social = site.minima.social_links -%}
+ [2019-03-31T23:38:12Z] aruns Is that just for readability purposes?
+ [2019-03-31T23:38:00Z] aruns xmn: I am noticing dashes / hyphens in some of the curly brackets in the Minima Jekyll theme.
+ [2019-03-31T23:07:36Z] aruns And I want to be able to import it into a main Jekyll site anyway.
+ [2019-03-31T23:07:15Z] aruns Since I won't be able to run webpack on GH Pages anyway.
+ [2019-03-31T23:07:05Z] aruns With my theme.
+ [2019-03-31T23:06:58Z] aruns xmn: You know what, I should probably just commit the compiled JS / CSS.
+ [2019-03-31T22:40:05Z] aruns Even if it's another task runner, as long as I can establish how to do it.
+ [2019-03-31T22:39:51Z] aruns Oh, maybe one theme.
+ [2019-03-31T22:39:05Z] aruns So far no dice.
+ [2019-03-31T22:38:58Z] aruns Trying to see if any of them are doing what I need to do.
+ [2019-03-31T22:38:51Z] aruns Yeah, I'm currently going through
+ [2019-03-31T22:35:29Z] aruns When they install the theme, the shell script is copied over to the root dir.
+ [2019-03-31T22:35:21Z] aruns What I could do is create an arbitary shell script.
+ [2019-03-31T22:35:12Z] aruns Webpack.
+ [2019-03-31T22:34:25Z] aruns Maybe I could copy over a shell script they could run to install dependencies.