latest 17 messages by askb

+ [2016-11-07T04:50:13Z] askb while -a -s -m works
+ [2016-11-07T04:49:58Z] askb Getting a git cli gives the error "fatal: Paths with -a does not make sense." when using option `git commit -asm`
+ [2016-03-07T14:39:55Z] askb qengho++ fredrikhl++
+ [2016-03-07T14:39:48Z] askb qengho, sure thing ... will get the sys call trace as well
+ [2016-03-07T14:37:05Z] askb However, I have noticed this issue occurring from a last few days, I am sure I can capture the output next time it happens
+ [2016-03-07T14:36:21Z] askb qengho, sorry ... should have done it properly the first time ... its not reproducible now unfortunately.
+ [2016-03-07T14:30:23Z] askb qengho, strangle ... this time I dint get an error, and git clone is working atm
+ [2016-03-07T14:29:36Z] askb yeah
+ [2016-03-07T14:28:48Z] askb qengho, let me try again
+ [2016-03-07T14:21:36Z] askb
+ [2016-03-07T14:18:49Z] askb qengho, sorry, got diconnected .... let me just copy the output on pastebin and share the link
+ [2016-03-07T14:15:43Z] askb none, just works when I clone devstack with no issues or other project from github
+ [2016-03-07T14:12:33Z] askb IPv4
+ [2016-03-07T14:06:22Z] askb anyone faced a similar issue earlier ?
+ [2016-03-07T14:05:51Z] askb and connect through telnet 443
+ [2016-03-07T14:05:38Z] askb Looks like I can ping
+ [2016-03-07T14:05:17Z] askb I am trying to clone a project and get this error "fatal: unable to access '': Failed to connect to port 443: Network is unreachable"