latest 20 messages by asomervell

+ [2016-09-05T05:18:45Z] asomervell {% for tag in post.tags %}
+ [2016-09-05T05:18:40Z] asomervell Thanks for your help
+ [2016-09-05T05:15:38Z] asomervell Am I missing something super basic?
+ [2016-09-05T05:14:12Z] asomervell Verbatim copy + paste gives me no tag love
+ [2016-09-05T04:57:04Z] asomervell
+ [2016-09-05T04:55:30Z] asomervell Page builds with no tags
+ [2016-09-05T04:53:12Z] asomervell Tried adding a very vanilla page in _posts too to kick something off without collections
+ [2016-09-05T04:50:49Z] asomervell
+ [2016-09-05T04:48:36Z] asomervell Yus — appreciate it
+ [2016-09-05T04:46:12Z] asomervell And sort of category / tag listing
+ [2016-09-05T04:46:01Z] asomervell Let's say I have two tours /tour/one/ and /tour/two/, and both are in say a family category, so ideally i'd have categories: family in the frontmatter and be able to list those at /tours/family/
+ [2016-09-05T04:44:01Z] asomervell Next comes the category / tag bit :p
+ [2016-09-05T04:43:24Z] asomervell Yep so I have a collection of tours