latest 19 messages by astroduck

+ [2015-03-16T07:44:06Z] astroduck What happens to a fork of a private repo when the original repo is deleted?
+ [2015-03-09T17:31:56Z] astroduck Hi! Is this a good place to talk about GSoC projects?
+ [2015-01-16T14:00:39Z] astroduck jaybe: Cool! Thanks :)
+ [2015-01-16T13:54:39Z] astroduck Hi, how do I create a page for url, say /foo/bar on jekyll? To create for /foo, one can create foo.html or index.html in foo directory. But what about /foo/bar?
+ [2015-01-07T23:01:47Z] astroduck Ok so i got paginator to work, now I have another question, is there a way to get page number of next_page? {{ }} doesn't work
+ [2015-01-07T22:38:09Z] astroduck Am I missing something? Do I have to do something else too?
+ [2015-01-07T22:37:52Z] astroduck Hi! I need some help with jekyll paginator, I can't get it to work on my blog. I added paginate: X in my config and I am using this[1] snippet but it doesn't work. [1]:
+ [2015-01-07T11:28:18Z] astroduck The toptags part doesn't work as sort will not work properly on it.
+ [2015-01-07T11:27:26Z] astroduck Inspired by this[1] answer, I wrote this[2] but I don't know how to get top tags from it.[1]: [2]:
+ [2015-01-07T11:24:51Z] astroduck Is there any way to get something like top 10 tags bases on number of posts under them?
+ [2014-12-31T14:11:27Z] astroduck How can I limit the number or words in {{ post.excerpt }}?
+ [2014-12-30T17:57:08Z] astroduck VxJasonxV: Github's search box has an API? O_O This changes everything! Maybe I can make a 2 section search! One from just post tags/titles and one from the API! Cool!
+ [2014-12-30T17:45:24Z] astroduck Seveas: No problem, I'll post my version here when its done :)
+ [2014-12-30T17:41:32Z] astroduck Seveas: Any live example?
+ [2014-12-30T17:40:24Z] astroduck I was thinking of making an all JS search but if something already exists then it'll be great
+ [2014-12-30T17:39:43Z] astroduck Hi! Is a search bar possible on github pages? Or a blog hosted on github jekyll?
+ [2014-08-16T19:27:16Z] astroduck Can I turn off notifications from a certain repo?