latest 20 messages by astronouth7303

+ [2015-11-29T06:59:24Z] astronouth7303 i figure the way to do that is to setup a dir in ~/.local, and then have a trampoline script
+ [2015-11-29T06:55:54Z] astronouth7303 yeah, if i do more with ruby, i might set up some kind of isolated jekyll install
+ [2015-11-29T06:54:13Z] astronouth7303 note to self: don't touch my ruby install. not worth the hassle.
+ [2015-11-29T06:53:24Z] astronouth7303 i wonder if the `sudo gem update` broke me earlier?
+ [2015-11-29T06:52:32Z] astronouth7303 `jekyll build` works for jekyll 2.4.0
+ [2015-11-29T06:49:19Z] astronouth7303 i'm running `sudo gem install github-pages now`
+ [2015-11-29T06:45:55Z] astronouth7303 pontiki: i got my gem list down to
+ [2015-11-29T06:32:46Z] astronouth7303 nvm, i think stuff got overlaid, or something
+ [2015-11-29T06:22:34Z] astronouth7303 it should be ok, if i just uninstall the ones in the gem dir
+ [2015-11-29T06:18:09Z] astronouth7303 ah, apt-listbugs uses ruby. And apt gems appear in apt list
+ [2015-11-29T06:15:29Z] astronouth7303 i'm tempted to blow away my gems and start over
+ [2015-11-29T06:11:50Z] astronouth7303 so unless there's a 3rd party .deb doing weird things, all my necessary ruby stuff should be in packages
+ [2015-11-29T06:11:01Z] astronouth7303 checking how much ruby i'm using: the only Gemfile in ~ is the one you had me make
+ [2015-11-29T06:08:14Z] astronouth7303 /var/lib/gems/2.2.0/gems/jekyll-mentions-0.2.1/lib/jekyll-mentions.rb