latest 7 messages by atal421

+ [2015-08-05T19:46:44Z] atal421 any anyone explain to me, or point me in the right direction, on how to do a hotfix in production when my local master is already ahead of production?
+ [2015-07-16T21:07:23Z] atal421 VxJasonxV: awesome
+ [2015-07-16T21:05:46Z] atal421 checking
+ [2015-07-16T20:49:08Z] atal421 i think we're using GitHub Enterprise
+ [2015-07-16T20:48:12Z] atal421 we sign in via LDAP
+ [2015-07-16T20:47:17Z] atal421 if i'm a member of a private organization, what does the api urls look like our url is