latest 20 messages by athanbuntu_

+ [2015-09-22T19:48:19Z] athanbuntu_ Take care, have a nice rest.....
+ [2015-09-22T19:48:12Z] athanbuntu_ It was missing that gem
+ [2015-09-22T19:48:01Z] athanbuntu_ Thanks btw, it worked....
+ [2015-09-22T19:46:16Z] athanbuntu_ Recently..... Wolfram Language ;-)
+ [2015-09-22T19:45:58Z] athanbuntu_ I am trying to get away from a database
+ [2015-09-22T19:45:45Z] athanbuntu_ It is created with Wordpress
+ [2015-09-22T19:45:39Z] athanbuntu_ have a look at
+ [2015-09-22T19:45:22Z] athanbuntu_ any alternative you would like to recommend
+ [2015-09-22T19:45:07Z] athanbuntu_ Well, I thougt it is nice to create easily web pages with md, templates and the layouts I have seen are cool
+ [2015-09-22T19:43:23Z] athanbuntu_ gem install jekyll-redirec-from ?
+ [2015-09-22T19:42:58Z] athanbuntu_ Well, I want to create my website at github
+ [2015-09-22T19:42:14Z] athanbuntu_
+ [2015-09-22T19:39:22Z] athanbuntu_ can you be more specific I am not familiar with IRC
+ [2015-09-22T19:39:01Z] athanbuntu_ paste to a paste service ?
+ [2015-09-22T19:38:50Z] athanbuntu_ from /usr/local/bin/jekyll:23:in `<main>'