latest 11 messages by atmosx

+ [2013-06-23T15:13:37Z] atmosx I'm deployinga new post, the frontpage though remains the same, any ideas? THe post can be seen on 'archives'
+ [2013-06-23T15:13:27Z] atmosx hi
+ [2013-06-19T19:10:46Z] atmosx how does the: font-family: "Advent Pro", "Jura", "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif; … work? The browser chooses to display the first on the left? so if it finds Advent Pro uses that, then Jura etc?
+ [2013-06-19T19:10:19Z] atmosx jaybe: can I make a css related question? :-P
+ [2013-06-19T18:56:39Z] atmosx thanks
+ [2013-06-19T18:56:38Z] atmosx wow worked fine :-)
+ [2013-06-19T18:56:17Z] atmosx hmm I added the link at head.html let's see
+ [2013-06-19T18:55:08Z] atmosx but doesn't seem to work
+ [2013-06-19T18:55:05Z] atmosx I'm at /source/stylesheets directory, trying to import them in screen.css
+ [2013-06-19T18:51:13Z] atmosx I want to add a google font
+ [2013-06-19T18:51:09Z] atmosx hello guys, can you help change font on my octopress theme?