latest 6 messages by audy

+ [2015-06-08T21:42:52Z] audy is the contributions bar graph supposed to have this space on the right?
+ [2015-03-12T21:11:33Z] audy Stevoisiak I would align all arguments as columns
+ [2013-05-21T23:53:37Z] audy never mind just switched to coderay
+ [2013-05-21T23:35:17Z] audy and AFAIK I do not have python3 installed on my system and I have tried using virtualenv
+ [2013-05-21T23:34:53Z] audy This is for Jekyll 1.0.2
+ [2013-05-21T23:34:30Z] audy Hi. I'm getting 'Liquid Exception: Failed to get header' upon `jekyll serve`. Googling says "It's because you're using Python 3" however `env python --version` is Python 2.7