latest 11 messages by averagehat

+ [2016-03-23T01:38:06Z] averagehat yeah, the default layouts were wrong. Looks like that project is not being maintained.
+ [2016-03-23T01:17:22Z] averagehat I'm wondering if there's a centralized place I can change that.
+ [2016-03-23T01:16:46Z] averagehat in reality it's bootstrap-3
+ [2016-03-23T01:16:35Z] averagehat [2016-03-22 21:15:04] ERROR `/assets/themes/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css' not found.
+ [2016-03-23T01:15:34Z] averagehat I noticed that the assets links in jekyll-bootstap are broken.
+ [2016-03-23T01:11:46Z] averagehat do those themes go into the css folder?
+ [2016-03-23T01:11:06Z] averagehat nice website, steveoh
+ [2016-03-23T00:47:26Z] averagehat steveoh, do you have your site online?
+ [2016-03-23T00:47:15Z] averagehat I was thinking it was on by default, but I don't get any highlights at all.
+ [2016-03-23T00:47:03Z] averagehat steveo, okay, maybe I shall try that.
+ [2016-03-23T00:32:35Z] averagehat github pages should roll out with github-style syntax highlights, right?