latest 7 messages by avi__

+ [2014-08-28T04:19:20Z] avi__ Hi, I'm studying the topics of issue trackers and I need some githubers to try out my NLP github issue tracker survey (10 minutes) to see if this NLP is actually relevant to software engineering. If you're interested just pm me and I'll send you the survey.
+ [2014-08-22T02:20:14Z] avi__ Remram: go-routines let you model your problems in a producer consumer manner, which is nice. Although it doesn't really export itself outside of a process.
+ [2014-08-22T02:19:44Z] avi__ Remram: What GO really has is ok concurrency.
+ [2014-08-22T02:16:44Z] avi__ Remram: D suffered from being proprietary for a while and then when it was finally FLOSS'd it was a little late
+ [2014-08-22T02:16:22Z] avi__ Remram: the fact I can embed C and call C directly, and use some C types means I have a lot of flexibility.
+ [2014-08-22T02:15:58Z] avi__ Remram: Go is basically my C replacement
+ [2014-08-22T02:14:47Z] avi__ Do you work with issue/bug reports? I'm a software engineering researcher conducting a short survey on the NLP-extracted topics of issue/bug reports and need programmers to fill out a short survey (10 min). If you're interested private message me and I'll share the survey with you.