latest 15 messages by aw1

+ [2016-06-26T16:13:23Z] aw1 what does it mean to find that after I clone a repo the default branch is not master? for example when cloned shows that I have cloned 'develop' branch. git branch shows there is a master branch also.
+ [2016-06-18T16:38:59Z] aw1 apologies all. i m so sorry.
+ [2016-06-18T16:37:34Z] aw1 jhass,
+ [2016-06-18T16:34:56Z] aw1 CarlFK, strange i don't see it. Tried searching for it using firefox page utils but its not there.
+ [2016-06-18T16:33:00Z] aw1 is there a way i can trigger the syntax checker without actually trying to post the question?
+ [2016-06-18T16:20:09Z] aw1 jhass, oh i did not notice that. thanks so much. let me try again.
+ [2016-06-18T16:13:18Z] aw1 jhass, i indented by 4 spaces and still it has errors. here is the text what is wrong with it?
+ [2016-06-18T16:08:57Z] aw1 i see. strange.
+ [2016-06-18T16:07:16Z] aw1 jhass, yes but it seems i can't have a blank line in the code block. github was complaining, so i had to remove the blank lines.
+ [2016-06-18T16:02:01Z] aw1 is using triple backquote for code blocks not supported anymore?
+ [2016-06-03T12:31:13Z] aw1 so for stable release of any code i have to check the "releases" page.
+ [2016-06-03T12:28:48Z] aw1 thanks Astero. checking.
+ [2016-06-03T12:24:47Z] aw1
+ [2016-06-03T12:23:51Z] aw1 jhass
+ [2016-06-03T12:10:47Z] aw1 what is the 'archive' subdomain in the path to a github repo? i found this link in an unrelated document NOT on the github page of this project. Where may i learn more about this?