latest 7 messages by b3tamax

+ [2013-09-23T03:25:25Z] b3tamax Ahhhh, I assumed that they just ran the equivalent of jekyll serve on the _site folder you generate
+ [2013-09-23T03:24:00Z] b3tamax jkcclemens: They will. They just host your _site folder?
+ [2013-09-23T03:18:47Z] b3tamax Converters, sorry.
+ [2013-09-23T03:18:14Z] b3tamax Don't think an out-of-the-box plugin exists soz
+ [2013-09-23T03:18:03Z] b3tamax jkcclemens: You'd be safest extending the liquid tags:
+ [2013-09-23T03:16:54Z] b3tamax jkcclemens: I'll check it out. Don't think there's a plugin for it yet.
+ [2013-09-23T03:16:01Z] b3tamax jkcclemens: What's Creole?