latest 20 messages by bademeister

+ [2014-01-26T15:01:15Z] bademeister Ok, this is new for me. I'm a jekyll beginner.
+ [2014-01-26T14:59:37Z] bademeister This is not a question to believe. Config files with a different suffix brings jekyll to the wrong way. You had the same experience.
+ [2014-01-26T14:56:33Z] bademeister From my point of view, now it is clear. Jekyll can only work with config-files with the suffix ".yml".
+ [2014-01-26T14:54:42Z] bademeister Yes, i'm willing to show, but i have not a Github account. I can only describe it here.
+ [2014-01-26T14:52:46Z] bademeister It is a litle bit strange. Now with the same wrong file name, i get the message "WARNING: Error reading configuration. Using defaults (and options)." and some posts doesn't work.
+ [2014-01-26T14:42:17Z] bademeister @pontiki I found the problem. My alternative config file has not the suffix .yml. I used _config.yml.local for example. Thank you for your help.
+ [2014-01-26T14:26:24Z] bademeister Your example '--config altconfig.yml' doesn't work. This is the reason why i'm here. I get the error message:"Deprecation: Jekyll now uses subcommands instead of just switches. Run `jekyll help' to find out more."
+ [2014-01-26T14:23:22Z] bademeister If i try --config only with one file, i will get the error. If i use two different files. jekyll will combine both files. But i don't want a merge of both files. In this case, i must rename my alternative config file to the standard name _config.yml.
+ [2014-01-26T14:19:31Z] bademeister Ok, than i must rename to every time my config files to the original one _config.yml. Now it is clear. Thank you very much.
+ [2014-01-26T14:18:27Z] bademeister Ahhhhh, and if i want to use one and only config file?
+ [2014-01-26T14:17:25Z] bademeister Sorry, perhaps i have a brick in front of my head. If i enter the line, based on your help:" jekyll build --config conf1.yml,conf2.yml". Which konfig file will use jekyll?
+ [2014-01-26T14:13:42Z] bademeister Thank you, but i don't understand to use two different config files in one line. Because i have two different configurations and i want only to use one.
+ [2014-01-26T14:07:26Z] bademeister If i try to use the following:"jekyll serve -w --config alternative_config.yml" i get the error message above.
+ [2014-01-26T14:06:02Z] bademeister And how kan i tell jekyll to use a different config file?
+ [2014-01-26T14:03:36Z] bademeister Ok, my mistake. I'm looking for an option to switch to an alternative _config.yml-file and my understanding was to use '--config'. It doesn't run.
+ [2014-01-26T13:54:35Z] bademeister inside the shell with:"Deprecation: Jekyll now uses subcommands instead of just switches. Run `jekyll help' to find out more." But i don't find any subcommands for it.
+ [2014-01-26T13:35:49Z] bademeister Hi, has anybody experiences with the --config option? Because the official documentation shows such function, but jekyll says, it's depricated.