latest 20 messages by basiclaser

+ [2014-08-27T20:12:02Z] basiclaser I find when im making websites and so on, as I'm programming, sometimes it appears as though the project breaks entirely, in a way that control-z-ing doesn't seem to fix. would you recommend commiting constantly throughout testing? or is that overkill?
+ [2014-08-27T20:09:22Z] basiclaser on a random note, i guess this is a poorly chosen crowd, i recently just my first almost-program :D
+ [2014-08-27T20:08:23Z] basiclaser i have no idea what im talking about
+ [2014-08-27T20:08:18Z] basiclaser i guess original heavy file formats compress themselves to an extent, where does the compression gain come from?
+ [2014-08-27T20:06:32Z] basiclaser _Vi: how large was the content originally
+ [2014-08-27T20:04:51Z] basiclaser ok this is bup still right
+ [2014-08-27T20:02:56Z] basiclaser _Vi: ah i see, so if something doesnt change, it isn't duped into the next commit?
+ [2014-08-27T20:02:04Z] basiclaser hrmrhmrhrm ok thanks guys, food for thought. are there any video/audio/large-file svn's, or does the nature of chunky media prevent such a thing?
+ [2014-08-27T19:58:35Z] basiclaser are there any relative storage implementations? (non-snapshot)
+ [2014-08-27T19:56:32Z] basiclaser ok cool, i was just brainstorming, imagining weird crap like 'gitOS'
+ [2014-08-27T19:55:22Z] basiclaser Nevik: question, individual repos for client work, or one over-arching client git ?
+ [2014-08-27T19:53:54Z] basiclaser thanks for humoring me
+ [2014-08-27T19:53:49Z] basiclaser ive entertained this idea long enough, back to work :P