latest 14 messages by bbbenji

+ [2017-02-20T19:53:01Z] bbbenji thanks
+ [2017-02-20T19:50:17Z] bbbenji thats the next step
+ [2017-02-20T19:50:03Z] bbbenji i have not jaybe
+ [2017-02-20T19:08:58Z] bbbenji why is "./source" being added as seen in the error?
+ [2017-02-20T19:08:34Z] bbbenji Liquid Exception: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - ./sourcestatic/images/sidebar/moon_50x50.jpg in index.html
+ [2017-02-20T19:08:33Z] bbbenji Thumbnailing static/images/sidebar/moon.jpg to static/images/sidebar/moon_50x50.jpg (50x50<)
+ [2017-02-20T19:08:33Z] bbbenji Generating...
+ [2017-02-20T19:08:19Z] bbbenji on build i get the following output
+ [2017-02-20T19:08:13Z] bbbenji i edited line 39 and remove ./source because im not using that directory
+ [2017-02-20T19:07:58Z] bbbenji
+ [2017-02-20T19:07:56Z] bbbenji First off im trying to get this plugin working
+ [2017-02-20T19:07:45Z] bbbenji Thanks jaybe
+ [2017-02-20T18:51:51Z] bbbenji can i ask here?
+ [2017-02-20T18:51:48Z] bbbenji Evening, I am looking for some plugin help