latest 14 messages by bbear

+ [2014-10-28T18:44:36Z] bbear yes, ok. But for example I am confused by the fact that there is a css/main.css lonely file in my tree, and something else called _sass/ with .scss files in it. I wonder which should I modify in order to get the thing working. Should I just modify main.css ? Sorry because I am not an html wizard, and not aware of this things.
+ [2014-10-28T18:40:30Z] bbear Thanks
+ [2014-10-28T18:40:29Z] bbear Anybody could help me how to make some CSS customization into jekyll ?
+ [2014-10-28T18:26:45Z] bbear I want to know how to add some padding space in tables. can you help me to configure CSS for tables in jekyll ? PS : I use markdown.
+ [2014-10-28T18:26:21Z] bbear hello
+ [2014-09-28T00:22:21Z] bbear :)
+ [2014-09-28T00:22:19Z] bbear yes, just saw it. Thank you
+ [2014-09-28T00:08:53Z] bbear I am not sure I saw this on the documentation
+ [2014-09-28T00:08:33Z] bbear ha ok
+ [2014-09-27T21:31:10Z] bbear do you know if it is possible to have the _posts folder with directories in it and still be able to build the blog, *with the recursive structure builded by jekyll* ?
+ [2014-09-27T17:00:04Z] bbear cool
+ [2014-09-27T16:54:15Z] bbear is it automatic or do I have to make a configuration tweak ?
+ [2014-09-27T16:53:03Z] bbear do you know if it is possible to have the _posts folder with directories in it and still be able to build the blog ?
+ [2014-09-27T16:52:27Z] bbear hello