latest 17 messages by bee27

+ [2015-01-20T00:30:21Z] bee27 milki: shall i close the pull request and fix my own repo then do another pull
+ [2015-01-20T00:27:59Z] bee27 milki: that looks a little daunting
+ [2015-01-20T00:26:36Z] bee27 milki: how can i reverse that?
+ [2015-01-20T00:26:22Z] bee27 milki: i see
+ [2015-01-20T00:25:28Z] bee27 i tried to sync my fork with the master
+ [2015-01-20T00:25:15Z] bee27 its got 235ef7a, how can i get rid of that
+ [2015-01-20T00:24:44Z] bee27 ive just done a pull request ( and it includes a commit i dont think it should
+ [2015-01-20T00:24:30Z] bee27 just after some assistance
+ [2015-01-20T00:24:24Z] bee27 hi
+ [2015-01-10T19:56:26Z] bee27 Remram: do i create a pull request on my own branches?
+ [2015-01-10T19:55:35Z] bee27 Remram: and put in 2 pull requests... is there a way i can merge those branches into my own master copy?
+ [2015-01-10T19:55:11Z] bee27 Remram: ive just created 2 braches and committed the different updates to them
+ [2015-01-10T18:38:29Z] bee27 if ive committed one change can i move it to its own branch then
+ [2015-01-10T18:37:22Z] bee27 they're unrelated changes
+ [2015-01-10T18:23:26Z] bee27 not sure what the best way is
+ [2015-01-10T18:23:16Z] bee27 ive forked zfsnap and want to make 2 sets of changes
+ [2015-01-10T18:22:50Z] bee27 hi, im new to github and am a bit confused about how i make changes to files and do pull requests