latest 20 messages by bello

+ [2019-11-06T15:48:44Z] bello hi. how can i delete file in github? in desktop ?
+ [2019-10-30T11:29:39Z] bello am i in correct channel to ask ?
+ [2019-10-30T11:24:06Z] bello how can i upload files from android phone to github?
+ [2019-10-30T11:22:43Z] bello i don't know what to say more
+ [2019-10-30T11:22:20Z] bello i already answered
+ [2019-10-30T11:17:23Z] bello i thought can i host project and share it on github
+ [2019-10-30T11:13:55Z] bello then on new version they'll get new version from same address
+ [2019-10-30T11:13:17Z] bello can i do it with github ?
+ [2019-10-30T11:13:01Z] bello i will upload folder with setup file and setup script
+ [2019-10-30T11:12:24Z] bello but theirs single file
+ [2019-10-30T11:11:35Z] bello but my some friends using github to share their files and it works fine
+ [2019-10-30T11:10:28Z] bello what can i use for it ?
+ [2019-10-30T11:08:43Z] bello i'll get a share link to install it from github after uploaded them?
+ [2019-10-30T11:07:21Z] bello a zip file. phyton, xml json files
+ [2019-10-30T11:04:23Z] bello how can i upload files from android phone to my repo ?
+ [2019-10-30T11:04:02Z] bello i created a repo now
+ [2019-10-30T11:03:32Z] bello im new to this
+ [2019-10-30T11:00:29Z] bello includes set up zip phyton and json xml files
+ [2019-10-30T10:59:45Z] bello bundle installation
+ [2019-10-30T10:00:50Z] bello hi my friends. i'm curious if i may use github to upload bundle files to share with my friends for their install?