latest 7 messages by benaiah

+ [2017-03-06T23:49:55Z] benaiah has a branch name which *contains* the given "head" parameter. Is there a way to make the search return only exact matches for the "head" parameter
+ [2017-03-06T23:49:54Z] benaiah I'm using the GitHub search API to search for PRs, and I'm using the "head" query value to get PRs of a specific branch. Unfortunately this is doing a substring match - you can see the effect at - it returns 2 entries, one of which is the correct one, and one of which simply
+ [2017-02-28T02:07:53Z] benaiah I could merge branches individually and squash, but I'm not seeing a way to squash through the API.
+ [2017-02-28T02:05:11Z] benaiah does anyone have any info on doing an octopus merge through the github API?
+ [2017-02-08T22:05:47Z] benaiah preaction: ok, just making sure. haven't been a maintainer on a repo that's not mine before. Thanks!
+ [2017-02-08T21:56:13Z] benaiah dumb question, but as a collaborator on a repo (, which has "approved review required" for merging PRs, submitting an approval review won't merge the PR or allow the submitter to merge it, right? The repo owner has requested that I don't merge PRs without his input, so I want to be sure.