latest 20 messages by benbalter

+ [2013-07-19T16:57:51Z] benbalter I noticed as I was going to upgrade Pages to 1.1.0
+ [2013-07-19T16:56:51Z] benbalter
+ [2013-07-19T16:56:33Z] benbalter oh, no, it reads 1.1.0
+ [2013-07-19T16:56:03Z] benbalter GitHub is running 1.0.3:
+ [2013-07-19T16:49:08Z] benbalter
+ [2013-07-19T16:48:45Z] benbalter any insight into why 1.1.0 was yanked from rubygems?
+ [2013-07-05T22:24:31Z] benbalter 12:23 for you, no?
+ [2013-07-05T22:24:11Z] benbalter parkr: I'm about to head out for dinner as well
+ [2013-07-05T22:09:16Z] benbalter mojobot img me simpsons mr. burns excelent
+ [2013-07-05T22:07:11Z] benbalter why must it be a folder (and not simply `file.php`)
+ [2013-07-05T22:07:00Z] benbalter OWNSyouAll_DESKT: something like this
+ [2013-07-05T22:05:12Z] benbalter OWNSyouAll_DESKT: in the yaml front matter, you can explicitly specify a permalink.
+ [2013-07-05T22:04:18Z] benbalter we just need to maintain backwards compatability with plugins
+ [2013-07-05T22:04:10Z] benbalter we don't need to use the converter convention internally because that's what tilt does
+ [2013-07-05T22:03:46Z] benbalter *liquid = tilt
+ [2013-07-05T22:03:41Z] benbalter it is? pass to tilit
+ [2013-07-05T22:03:35Z] benbalter it isn't? okay, kick.
+ [2013-07-05T22:03:23Z] benbalter if it didn't get converted, check if it's one of our supported liquid extentions
+ [2013-07-05T22:03:08Z] benbalter if it matched a plugin, great, kick, next file
+ [2013-07-05T22:02:33Z] benbalter we just won't have our core converters