latest 7 messages by berdario

+ [2013-06-17T11:09:45Z] berdario but if I go here: there're 2 pages under "Using octopress" that seem to deal with what I just asked
+ [2013-06-17T11:09:16Z] berdario Uh... I realized just now... I read the docs from here:
+ [2013-06-17T11:06:56Z] berdario so that, if needed I could fix a bug/make a pull request if needed... while customizing the appearence of my local site
+ [2013-06-17T11:06:24Z] berdario or, rather, should I tweak the html in the same source branch? I'd like to keep a branch as close to octopress' upstream as possible
+ [2013-06-17T11:05:39Z] berdario also, I'm looking at the sources of some other blogs... and I'm not sure what's the best approach... should I write posts in a `source` branch and tweak the html in an octopress branch?
+ [2013-06-17T11:04:32Z] berdario since github supports jekyll, I'd have thought that it could be simpler to let it deal with it
+ [2013-06-17T11:03:56Z] berdario Hi, I'm wondering why, for the github deploy, it is suggested to push a branch with the site already generated...