latest 19 messages by bifkit

+ [2014-11-13T21:23:49Z] bifkit Front matter defaults can only scope to path and type, is that correct?
+ [2014-11-13T21:15:21Z] bifkit I passed to `include.` The error message seemed to indicate that I had messed up the syntax for passing a parameter, but it showed the page.user evaluated to the correct string in the error message. It's almost certainly the same internal Liquid markup problem I have in my for loop, but the error message pointed me toward the syntax.
+ [2014-11-13T21:11:24Z] bifkit In, it mentions passing parameters to an include. I tried to pass the page.user information this way, but I always got an error telling me that my syntax was wrong. Then it showed me an example of identical syntax.
+ [2014-11-13T21:05:10Z] bifkit If I figure out how to get this working, I'll be all over that.
+ [2014-11-13T21:02:22Z] bifkit Now that I think of it, has anybody made or come across a plugin to read metadata from other filetypes? (ie, mp3 tags)
+ [2014-11-13T20:58:45Z] bifkit Any thoughts on a better way to implement that reference? Or am I going to need a plugin?
+ [2014-11-13T20:57:57Z] bifkit That's what I meant by 'not exhaustive.' The docs have excellent detail on certain use cases, but for those of us who find amazing new ways to do things incorrectly, there are a lot of edge cases.
+ [2014-11-13T20:56:55Z] bifkit I suspected that was the case, but I couldn't find a reference to that in any of the docs.
+ [2014-11-13T20:56:05Z] bifkit I've tried several variables, and tried to refer to a hashed value and an array, and that snippet is just the last scratching in my editor before my brain gave out.
+ [2014-11-13T20:54:57Z] bifkit Clearly, I'm getting lost with referring to something that doesn't evaluate where I want it to, but I'm lost.
+ [2014-11-13T20:54:28Z] bifkit Within the for loop I am constructing an <ul>, but I can't seem to get any output.
+ [2014-11-13T20:53:37Z] bifkit {% for track in{{ page.user }}.playlist %}{{ assign item = track[1] }}{{ for member in item.{{ page.user }}.playlist }}
+ [2014-11-13T20:52:47Z] bifkit I am attempting to customize a section of the website per user, and my problem probably comes from this:
+ [2014-11-13T20:51:49Z] bifkit I've tried every permutation of that tag that I can think of, but I still get nothing. There is another possible detail though:
+ [2014-11-13T20:50:38Z] bifkit Specifically, I have a subdirectory within _data, containing a .yml file with information about tracks for including in an audio playlist.
+ [2014-11-13T20:49:31Z] bifkit I am trying to word it so that it's halfway legible. :)
+ [2014-11-13T20:48:54Z] bifkit Yes. Yes it is.
+ [2014-11-13T20:48:24Z] bifkit jaybe: Thanks. Already read all the documentation I can find. It's difficult to figure out which is current, and nothing appears to be exhaustive.
+ [2014-11-13T20:46:22Z] bifkit Can anybody help me to understand how to actually use the _data directory?