latest 10 messages by bigbluehat

+ [2015-12-01T23:54:27Z] bigbluehat works like a charm
+ [2015-12-01T23:54:17Z] bigbluehat jhass: much thanks!
+ [2015-12-01T23:52:32Z] bigbluehat got this wrong before /)_T
+ [2015-12-01T23:52:20Z] bigbluehat really wishing it was just gh-pages all the time
+ [2015-12-01T23:48:21Z] bigbluehat dig output looks correct
+ [2015-12-01T23:48:16Z] bigbluehat i'm getting 404's on and on
+ [2015-12-01T23:47:51Z] bigbluehat ...I can never get this GitHub pages setup quite right...