latest 20 messages by bionhart

+ [2013-05-23T02:57:37Z] bionhart thank you!
+ [2013-05-23T02:56:24Z] bionhart Jekyll 0.12.0
+ [2013-05-23T02:56:15Z] bionhart ruby 1.9.3p429 (2013-05-15 revision 40747) [x86_64-darwin12.3.0]
+ [2013-05-23T02:54:19Z] bionhart hmm save behavior
+ [2013-05-23T02:53:13Z] bionhart gem dependencies?
+ [2013-05-23T02:52:31Z] bionhart to the extent that a file was generated
+ [2013-05-23T02:52:18Z] bionhart which worked
+ [2013-05-23T02:52:17Z] bionhart for the first new_post (the original error i mentioned) i used rake new_post and then was prompted for the name
+ [2013-05-23T02:51:29Z] bionhart zsh: no matches found: new_post[firstpost]
+ [2013-05-23T02:50:59Z] bionhart Successfully generated site: source -> public
+ [2013-05-23T02:50:57Z] bionhart Building site: source -> public
+ [2013-05-23T02:50:55Z] bionhart Configuration from /Users/bion/Documents/blog/first_blog/_config.yml
+ [2013-05-23T02:50:55Z] bionhart identical source/stylesheets/screen.css
+ [2013-05-23T02:50:55Z] bionhart ## Generating Site with Jekyll
+ [2013-05-23T02:49:48Z] bionhart rake new_page works
+ [2013-05-23T02:49:27Z] bionhart zsh: no matches found: new_page[test]