latest 20 messages by bishop1992

+ [2015-12-22T20:38:48Z] bishop1992 did some poking around with netstat. 4000 is being used be another process in for my thin client
+ [2015-12-22T20:24:57Z] bishop1992 when I reboot next, i'll check to see if the port is still used
+ [2015-12-22T20:24:32Z] bishop1992 something was using TCP on 4000
+ [2015-12-22T20:24:15Z] bishop1992 I suspect that something else was using 4000
+ [2015-12-22T20:22:55Z] bishop1992 parkr. Yes, I found that 4000 was the port. Netstat showed it was already bound. So I used --port 8080 to test and it worked. I updated the _config.yml to use that port
+ [2015-12-22T19:39:42Z] bishop1992 Not sure how to track this down
+ [2015-12-22T19:39:30Z] bishop1992 I tried a trace, but I'm not seeing where the problem is. Could this be related to the webserver?
+ [2015-12-22T19:38:36Z] bishop1992 We're testing out Jekyll for our site. I'm running windows and the install seemed to go well (per the windows instructions on jekyll). When I try running "jekyll serve" it generates the site, reports autu-generation is enabled, but then I get a "jekyll 3.0.1 " Error: Permission denided - bind(2)"
+ [2015-02-19T16:46:39Z] bishop1992 I think I'll try removing the blog from my permalink and see if that help.
+ [2015-02-19T16:46:16Z] bishop1992 in my code I do: <li class="active"><a href="{{node.url}}" class="active">{{node.sitenav-label}}</a></li>
+ [2015-02-19T16:45:39Z] bishop1992 I'm dynamically building a menu so I itterate through the page collection. config has: permalink: /blog/:year/:month/:day/:title/
+ [2015-02-19T16:31:59Z] bishop1992 I have an idea of a manual way to do it, but I wanted to avoid re-inventing the wheel if Jekyll has one.
+ [2015-02-19T16:31:20Z] bishop1992 I have a page object for "/Subscribe/index.html" I can't seem to find a jekyll page property that returns "/Subscribe/" I want to link to the page but not expose the index.html
+ [2015-02-17T20:19:20Z] bishop1992 head meet wall, wall meet head ARGH!
+ [2015-02-17T19:18:46Z] bishop1992 Once I know it's not a dumb mistake on my part, I'll do that. Until then, i'm guessing it's most likely me.
+ [2015-02-17T18:47:23Z] bishop1992 I think I'm going to move back to an older version that is known to run on windows. After getting that working, I might try to get back to 3.0.
+ [2015-02-17T16:59:43Z] bishop1992 Thanks, have to leave for a bit.