latest 20 messages by bl4ckdu5t

+ [2015-03-09T12:28:28Z] bl4ckdu5t * does that just fine
+ [2015-03-09T12:28:10Z] bl4ckdu5t jekyll-assets does just that fine
+ [2015-02-27T01:27:03Z] bl4ckdu5t oops I shouldn't have added in jekyll
+ [2015-02-27T01:26:34Z] bl4ckdu5t How can I remove images from my excerpt in jekyll?
+ [2015-02-09T22:50:37Z] bl4ckdu5t you don't need commas between different lines of gems
+ [2015-02-09T22:49:42Z] bl4ckdu5t I believe you should be able to use Grunt with any task including browserSync after the jekyll-assets is set up
+ [2015-02-09T22:48:09Z] bl4ckdu5t Then gradually, you can add gems and run a bundle install
+ [2015-02-09T22:47:53Z] bl4ckdu5t When following up the installation of jekyll-assets, you can create one empty one
+ [2015-02-09T22:45:33Z] bl4ckdu5t I'm not sure about that
+ [2015-02-09T22:45:17Z] bl4ckdu5t You also have a Gemfile to use if you are familiar with rails development
+ [2015-02-09T22:43:38Z] bl4ckdu5t But for most of what it does, you should be able to install with bower as you can set up bower with jekyll-assets
+ [2015-02-09T22:42:57Z] bl4ckdu5t I use grunt, gulp but I never tried out yeoman
+ [2015-02-09T22:41:01Z] bl4ckdu5t To ensure you have it properly installed on your box
+ [2015-02-09T22:40:45Z] bl4ckdu5t You can just create a new jekyll blog for test
+ [2015-02-09T22:40:03Z] bl4ckdu5t before you do, try to run a clean jekyll installation
+ [2015-02-09T22:39:22Z] bl4ckdu5t It's best to set up a fresh jekyll installation with `jekyll new yourblogname` and configure jekyll-assets
+ [2015-02-09T22:37:23Z] bl4ckdu5t I use compass and some other things jekyll offers me and with jekyll assets I can use them and not have those errors
+ [2015-02-09T22:36:29Z] bl4ckdu5t You know of jekyll-assets?
+ [2015-02-09T22:35:24Z] bl4ckdu5t It's supposed to be jekyll serve not grunt serve