latest 11 messages by blackjid

+ [2015-08-23T11:40:53Z] blackjid why not? you get all the benefits of docker, like the dependencies already in the image, especially when you have a bunch of people that write posts for the blog. Also I already have a docker based infrastructure to run stuff with docker, so it's easy to run it with docker than with, say, plain nginx
+ [2015-08-23T11:38:16Z] blackjid docker? or the jekyll official image??
+ [2015-08-23T11:37:22Z] blackjid you don't get using that image?? or docker at all?
+ [2015-08-23T11:27:27Z] blackjid i'm trying to run my blog using jekyll/stable docker image, but I'm missing some dependencies to build some gems.....
+ [2015-08-23T11:01:16Z] blackjid hi! does anyone have used the official jekyll docker image?
+ [2013-10-08T15:23:08Z] blackjid pontiki is not working,…. the post is generated without any layout
+ [2013-10-08T15:14:53Z] blackjid thanks pontiki
+ [2013-10-08T15:14:49Z] blackjid mm, I was checking the jekylls code, and I can see that it should work, but It don;t for me… I'm going to give it another try
+ [2013-10-08T12:59:08Z] blackjid Hi, Is there any way to have layouts in deeper level folders? lik e _layout/post/layout1.html