latest 20 messages by blackjid_

+ [2014-12-30T01:52:04Z] blackjid_ ah!, ok... I understand....
+ [2014-12-30T01:50:49Z] blackjid_ so --type takes precedence, then _config.yml and the the hard coded "markdown"
+ [2014-12-30T01:50:13Z] blackjid_ It would be nice if the we can set a extension in the _config.yml...
+ [2014-12-30T01:49:41Z] blackjid_ I mean, I rather prefer to use the .md extension, but the default, if I don't pass the type option is to create a .markdown file
+ [2014-12-30T01:48:27Z] blackjid_ but I don's seet the jekyll-compose generators using it... type = options["type"].nil? ? "markdown" : options["type"]
+ [2014-12-30T01:46:58Z] blackjid_ hey, you have as the default type extension, .markdown does it make sense to add a property in the _config.yml to set the default layout, and type?
+ [2014-12-30T01:46:00Z] blackjid_ thanks to you!
+ [2014-12-30T01:43:37Z] blackjid_
+ [2014-12-30T01:40:06Z] blackjid_ I can make a PR if you think thats the solution..
+ [2014-12-30T01:39:45Z] blackjid_ and it worked...
+ [2014-12-30T01:39:40Z] blackjid_ require "jekyll/commands/publish"
+ [2014-12-30T01:39:40Z] blackjid_ require "jekyll/commands/post"
+ [2014-12-30T01:39:40Z] blackjid_ require "jekyll/commands/draft"
+ [2014-12-30T01:39:39Z] blackjid_ in the compose.rb file I added a require for each command.....
+ [2014-12-30T01:39:20Z] blackjid_ I use a local copy of the jekyll-compose gem, and played with it a little.... the gem was indeed being required...
+ [2014-12-30T01:35:02Z] blackjid_ I make it work...
+ [2014-12-30T00:55:54Z] blackjid_ i should getting the draft, post and publish commands in the subcommands list, right? just to be sure..
+ [2014-12-30T00:54:12Z] blackjid_ `/opt/rubies/2.0.0-p481/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/jekyll-compose-0.1.0`